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Get to know what we can do with the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence Solutions
in the real world.
#BeraksiBersolusi, DycodeX Contribute to Vaccine Distribution in Indonesia
In line with our vision to solve Big Problems with Technologies, without exception the vaccine distribution and quality monitoring, it's...
Melihat Adaptasi Kebiasaan Baru di Kampus ITB Bandung
Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) memulai adaptasi kebiasaan baru dengan cara yang berbeda. Kampus pendidikan tinggi teknik di Indonesia ...
DycodeX and SMARTernak Featured on the GSMA
Some background story... Back then we registered to be The GSM Association (GSMA) partner, with our IoT use case: SMARTernak. GSMA is an...
DycodeX in SYNRGY Accelerator Program Batch 2
It’s a privilege for DycodeX to be selected as one of 11 startups to join SYNRGY Accelerator – Batch 2, by BCA and GK – Plug and Play....
Bandung IoT Maker Day 2020
Makestro came back to the surface and held an event for Makers (Hardware Designer and Engineer, Firmware and Software Developer, etc.)...
Initial Deployment SMARTernak in Cianjur, Jawa Barat
We have just successfully deployed SMARTernak at Balai Perbibitan dan Pengembangan Inseminasi Buatan Ternak Sapi Perah* (BPPIBTSP) of...
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