DycodeX is proud to be the end-to-end technology developer for JogjaBike, Jogjakarta’s first-ever bike sharing service. Launched at Jalan Malioboro on Saturday (27/10) by the Mayor of Jogjakarta, Haryadi Suyuti, Jogjabike uses an Internet of Things-based system, seamlessly integrating software and hardware to provide a safe and enjoyable bike sharing experience.
Andri Yadi, DycodeX CEO, applauds the bike sharing service for its release. “Congratulations to JogjaBike for the launch. We’re super excited to be part of it, to support its end-to-end technology,” Andri remarks. “After 4 months of shedding blood, sweat, tears, and working on it tirelessly from scratch, we finally made it. Now di “Jogja Ada Sepeda”; not just a bike, but a smarter bike.”
To create a safe, fun experience for JogjaBike bike-sharing users, DycodeX has developed a system that seamlessly integrates the hardware and software, all made entirely by a team of Indonesian coders and engineers. Hardware-wise, features include as follows.
A Smart Lock system is unlockable via QR code scanning with the mobile app.
An LED display for continuous user feedback along the journey, such as distance traveled and rent time remaining.
Always connected to the Internet via GSM for continuous data feedback.
Automatically detects accidents or tampering via its built-in accelerometer.
Solar panel-equipped for longer battery life.
DycodeX also developed in-house mobile app available for Android (iOS version coming soon). The app allows users to easily unlock their preferred bike with a QR code scanner as well as keep track of bike-sharing usage.
The conception of JogjaBike is aimed to add value to the local tourism industry, as well as to bring the concept of smart city to life. Collaborating with the City Government of Jogjakarta, the service was launched for the “Jogja Ada Sepeda” program. The Malioboro implementation is only the first phase, with other areas to be added in the forthcoming phases.