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SMARTernak Third Version Trial in Subang, West Java

One of DycodeX’s flagship products for precision farming, SmarTernak, has now entered the third trial phase. This trial process is needed to determine the compatibility of SmarTernak tools in different types of livestock. The last trial conducted by DycodeX team was on last April, in Padang Mengatas, West Sumatra. And on May 12, 2018, DycodeX team conducted the latest field trial.

The trial was conducted at a cattle farm in Cijambe subdistrict, Subang, West Java. The cows on this farm were of Bali Metal Cow type, which weighs approximately 350 – 800 kg. This type of cow is a challenge for the DycodeX team because Balinese Cows are easily disturbed by the presence of new people. But once the sensor is installed properly, the cow’s activity is not disturbed.

DycodeX team successfully did the installation of LoRa Gateway with good material so it’s resistant to any kind of weather. The strap for the SmarTernak device was prepared in 2 types, so we could analyze the most convenient installation for the cattle. The mechanism of installing and discharging the SmarTernak device is now being upgraded to make it more practical and does not interfere with livestock activities.

This trial further enhances the stability and quality of the SMARTernak device. If your business is engaged in the livestock sector and requires practical and comprehensive handling, you can contact us for more info.

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PT DycodeX Teknologi Nusantara


Jalan Setrasari Kulon VII No. 3

Bandung, Indonesia


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